F6 Dust Collector System
The F-6 Dust Collector System is designed to work with all types of stationary and portable batch plants. The powerful F-6 is built to create negative air pressure zone that captures dust particulate and deposits it into a hopper bottom bin for reuse or disposal. Air driven by a 6000cfm fan passes through the patented Gold Cone Dura Pleat filters and is 99.95% free of particles 0.5 μm and larger.
Standard Features
Load point dust collector - 6000 CFM unit at 10"
- 15 HP motor with direct drive
- Electronically tied into the batching system with manual override
- Qty 1 –12 gallon air tanks
- Qty 6 – solenoid valves for pulsing filters
- Qty 1 – 6 channel electric timer
- 480v power cord
- Qty 6 – 1500 CFM filters
- Folding access doors for filter servicing
- With L skid for transport and foundation tiedowns,
- Ladder and handrails
- Tapered hopper bottom
- 6” butterfly on bottom
- Vibrator for daily clean out
Load Point Enclosure - Enclosure frame and ducting
- Approx size 6’W x 11’L x 14’H
- Bolt together frame with hardware.
- Curtains on enclosure ends
- 16″ main ducting
- All hoses for connecting
- All clamps and hardware